
Amelia Rose: 9 Month Update

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Amelia Rose: 9 Month Update

I’m writing this, I’m watching my once tiny baby clap her hands and smile at me and wondering where the time has gone and how it’s passed so fast. My little Amelia Rose is 9 months old today, her last month in the single digits. Shes over 17 pounds and 27 inches long, she desperately wants to crawl, is rolling all over the place, and can stand up if she holds on to something (though you still have to hold her because she forgets and lets go!). She says “mama”, “dada”, and “baba” along with some other indistinguishable babbles, loves bath time, being held and cuddled, and LOVES to eat. She has the most unbelievable blue eyes and is really teething but no teeth have popped through yet. Amelia had her fourth (or fifth- I can’t remember whether she had two or three sleep studies in the NICU) sleep study this month and has been cleared of the CPAP and we don’t need to see Plastics again until she’s 18 months (though we learned that she’ll probably need somewhere around ten surgeries… we’ll start talking about that when she’s about 2). This baby has changed our lives, and while you may hear us complain that our nights out have decreased considerably, sleeping through the night is a luxury, and our free time is virtually nothing, we will also tell you that being a parent is undeniably the most amazing, rewarding, and inspiring feeling in the world. She has made me a better person, for it’s not all about me anymore, it’s about her and I want to show her all things good and right and sweet, because that’s what she is. Have courage and be kind, Amelia Rose, and you will do just fine. I love you to the moon and back.
8 months, 7 months, 6 months, 5 months, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, birth story

Happy Friday! If you haven’t already heard about Nordstrom’s Fall Sale, in case you missed my post about it here, you need to at least check it out! The selection is pretty amazing and at 40% off, you can do a lot of guilt-free shopping, or at least get some Christmas shopping started! I already bought this sweater (you can’t beat $27!!) but I really need a new coat… I just can’t decide between this one or this one. What do you think?! Have a great weekend, guys!! See you Monday 🙂


Sincerely, Britt