On any given day you can usually find me wearing some variation of this look. I tend to dress relatively casual on a regular basis, even for work, so sweaters, flats, booties, and jeans are my typical go to look. Don’t get me wrong, I love dresses as much as the next girl, but when it’s cold outside the last thing I want to do is put on a dress and tights… sometimes it’s just not warm enough! What’s your go to when it’s cold outside?
sweater- Madewell, tee- Old Navy, jeans- A Pea in the Pod (similar style here), flats- Sole Society, bag- Kate Spade (similar)
Even though I’m starting to get really excited about being able to wear all of my regular clothes again and to do lots of spring shopping, it’s still exciting to dress this (still) growing baby bump and see how much has changed in the last 9 and a half months! I was 37 weeks this week- if you’re following me on Instagram, you’ll have already seen my “bumpdate” for this week- and it’s crazy to think that we only have 3 weeks or so left. I’ll try to keep my Instagram updated to the best of my ability when we go into labor and after we have the baby but I will probably take about a week off from posting to the blog (or outfit posts, at least!)! Anytime now!
Also, I’m sorry about being MIA yesterday- our Internet was down all of Wednesday afternoon and most of yesterday so I wasn’t able to post. Thanks for stopping by today and have an awesome weekend!!