I’ve been all about pink lately! I don’t know what it is but I can’t seem to get enough of it. I love the light pink with the white denim; it looks so fresh and light for spring and summer. This Everlane tee is one of my favorites (remember my other posts about Everlane here and here?)! I added bright pink flats and lips for some contrast and to make the look a little less pastel.
tee: Everlane, jeans: Paige Denim, flats: J.Crew, sunglasses: Nordstrom, lips: Butter London in Primrose Hill Picnic
I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours included doing some more house projects and spending lots of time with family. It was a beautiful day yesterday so we took Amelia outside for a little bit! Hoping to get outside for a little today, too, since the rest of the week looks like rain. Happy Monday! Thanks so much for reading!