
Snow Day Look

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Snow Day Look

For the last year or so, I’ve been really focusing on only collecting (and buying) pieces that I really love and that work with most of my wardrobe and it’s really helped me streamline my closet. I feel better about where I’m spending my money because I know I’m buying good pieces (as in pieces that will last and that I will wear) and at the same time they’re pieces that I love. It’s also made it a ton easier for me to get dressed (when I do).

I would say what has helped me the most is narrowing down my options and honing in on my personal style with a distinct nod to realizing what is practical in my daily life. What this meant for me was sticking to more solid pieces (if you’ve been following for a while you know that I love color and I used to print mix all. the. time… example 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… the list goes on! Also, can we just take a moment for how far my style and photos have come since 2013?! Haha!) and figuring out what colors I really like best and wear the most. Disclaimer: I still love colors and prints and consider stripes and leopard neutrals; I don’t wear ALL neutrals by any means and I also still LOVE floral prints, I just try to keep to basics for my everyday pieces and will tend more towards florals or bold colors for special pieces (I love floral print dresses!).

Next steps: clean out my closet! I’ve done this a few times actually in the past couple of years but it can be so hard for me to let things go… I put an emotional attachment on most things I own and I also just really love clothes, etc. So, even if I don’t wear an item anymore, it doesn’t mean I don’t love it or that it doesn’t fit well, sometimes it just means it doesn’t work with my aesthetic or style anymore but I still love the item by itself! Does that even make sense?!

On another note, we’ve (I’ve) been doing a terrible job of photographing my looks when we go out lately. Aside from the fact that most of the time we go out on the weekends it’s either late afternoon or night which means the lighting isn’t photo-friendly, I’ve also just been pretty lazy about it. I have been taking pictures on my phone at least, though, so I’m planning on doing an Instagram roundup or two soon! I also try to link my looks as much as possible when I post to Instagram (I try not to link too often because I know I don’t like to see every post linked to something when I’m scrolling).

jeans: Paige Denim, shirt: Free People (from a couple years ago but this one is pretty similar- I have it, too), coat: Patagonia, sneakers: Nordstrom, hat: Topshop, backpack: Nordstrom

We got a little snow here this morning but it’s already over, which is probably a good thing. Amelia went to school today so I’m trying to enjoy (and by enjoy I mean get some work done, pay the bills, and possibly clean our room because it’s horrendous- I’ll show you in my Instagram stories!) my last 45 minutes before I have to go pick her up and while Joseph is napping. Hope you have a great day!

Sincerely, Britt