Amelia Rose: 4 Month Update

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Amelia Rose: 4 Month Update

I can’t believe my baby girl is 4 months old already (see Amelia’s updates at 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, birth story)! I feel like I say the same thing every month but where has the time gone?! At 4 months, Amelia is getting better at rolling over from her belly to her back (we haven’t done back to belly yet), she’s squealing, trying to laugh, cooing and making vowel sounds, smiling more often, and starting to like tummy time. She loves the TV (it’s one of the only ways we can get her to hold her head to the right), loves books and when we read to her, always wants to hold her blankets or toys, loves bath time, and can eat up to 6 ounces at a time. She was 11 pounds 13 ounces as of 5/26 and is wearing size 3 months. At the risk of jinxing ourselves, she is also starting to sleep through the night! She still sees a physical therapist once a week and just had another sleep study where we found out that her apnea is getting a little better! She really is a trooper and is such a good baby… how did we get so lucky?!

I hope you had a great weekend! We spent a lot of time with family and friends and overall had a really nice weekend! We didn’t get much housework done but I guess that isn’t going anywhere for a while so we have plenty of time. Happy Monday!


Sincerely, Britt