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Transitioning seasons are always fun because just when you’re starting to feel like you’ve worn everything you own for a particular season (and you can’t bear to buy anything else for whatever weather you’re having, especially when it’s cold), you suddenly have a whole new wardrobe! While I’ve been going sans tights and coats for a few weeks now, last week was really the first week that it was warm enough to do so. I’m really excited about this weather- yesterday, it was actually hot outside! You don’t realize how the weather affects your mood until you get some sunshine and then it dawns on you how miserable you’ve been for the last few months! We’ve had a really, really long winter this year- I heard that Thursday was the first day that it could have gone up to 70 degrees in Philadelphia since November! Crazy, isn’t it?!
dress- J.Crew, cardigan- Anthropologie, heels- Target (old, similar color with a bow, similar with laces), necklace- BaubleBar, earrings- Kate Spade, bag- Kate Spade, sunglasses- Ray Ban

I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was one of the best weekends we’ve had in a long time! We had a lot of fun- spent some time with family, got to see some good friends on Friday night, had my sister-in-law’s bachelorette party Saturday night, and yesterday we spent the day relaxing and enjoying the weather (we gave Niko a bath and cooked dinner on the grill!)! I’m definitely sad to see it end and have to admit I’m more bummed about it being Monday than usual… but, here’s to a great week, too!


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Sincerely, Britt