Muted colors

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Muted colors

I’ve been trying to dress a little out of my comfort zone lately… whether it’s by choosing colors that I wouldn’t normally wear or putting pieces together that I wouldn’t otherwise think of pairing. In this case, I mixed multiple colors that I typically wouldn’t mix but they work in this outfit because they are all muted shades of their respective color families (with the exception of the saturated green of the cardigan). Nothing in this outfit is overly bright or overpowering which helps the various colors to mesh and make a solid statement instead of numerous ones. What is a color or piece that you wouldn’t normally choose to wear but might like to try?

jeans- J. Crew (similar), tee- TopShop (similar), cardigan- J. Crew (similar), belt- J. Crew, bracelet- Forever 21 (similar), sunglasses- Ray-Ban, shoes- Target (similar), necklace- vintage (from my great aunt) (similar color)

I hope you all had a great weekend! Ours was a lot fun if not very relaxing…

My sister-in-law got engaged on Friday (congratulations Tara and Mike!)! Also,  Joe played in an alumni lacrosse game on Saturday but we did get some down time that night… and Sunday we had both of our mothers at our house (one side came for lunch and the other for dinner)!

Happy Monday everyone 🙂 Thanks for reading!


Sincerely, Britt