Slow Cooker Apple Butter

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Slow Cooker Apple Butter

I made this apple butter last week, finally! I’d been saying how much I wanted to make apple butter for over a year so this was quite an accomplishment for me! It also was delicious- even Joe really likes it! My intention was to can some of it and use it as gifts but of course, I didn’t have time to do it properly so now it’s all in my fridge 🙂
above: after 2 hours of cooking on high
above: after another 4(ish) hours or so on low
above: after cooling for about an hour and then sitting overnight in the refrigerator
note: I did not can these properly- I just put them in washed mason jars to store and to give away. If you want to can your apple butter, I’d suggest starting the cooking process in the am, sterilizing the jars while the butter cooks, and then canning them while the butter is warm so you can store out of the fridge (especially good for gifting).

recipe: a mix of various apple butter recipes so this is now my own

16 cooking apples (depends on the amount of apple butter you want to make- this is what I used)
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/8 teaspoon nutmeg

*some people also add cloves, all spice, and/or vanilla

Peel, core, and cut apples in small pieces. Put apples in crockpot. Mix Sugar, cinnamon, salt, and nutmeg together in a separate bowl and pour over apples, stirring to coat. Cover with lid and turn on high for the first two hours, stirring occasionally. After two hours, turn on low and allow to cook for another four to six hours, depending on the consistency and color (should be a rich, brown color with a little bit of texture, but the apples should cook down enough so that it is spreadable).

Happy Halloween, guys! Are you doing anything fun tonight? We’ll be giving out candy- we get tons of trick or treaters! Have a great weekend!


Sincerely, Britt