tee, heels, top, flats, tank, earrings, lace top, dress, trench coat, wedges
Just a little end of February inspiration- I can’t wait to have some time to do some spring shopping for me and my little girl!
Hey guys! I’m sorry for being totally MIA lately- if you follow me on Instagram you’d already know that my water broke unexpectedly two weeks ago today and that I delivered Miss Amelia Rose on Friday, February 6th (I’ll be posting my birth story sometime soon!)! Amelia has been in the NICU since very early Saturday morning, February 7th, and we’ve been at the hospital every day, all day, since then… not leaving me much time for blogging. Anyway, I will keep you all posted and write an official post later with pictures and more details, but for now she is doing much better and I’m hoping to be able to get back into a routine soon. Until then, please bear with me and follow me on Instagram for more regular updates!
Have a great day and thanks so much for reading!!