Somehow, I always am pushing things down to the wire- I’m always running around trying to get everything together at the last minute, even when I think I’ve left plenty of time to do something… Outfit planning is almost always on my list of things to do, but it’s also one of those tasks that almost never gets crossed off the list. If I planned my looks more (say, every Sunday for the week), I’d definitely be running late less often, and probably feel more put together more often. Sometimes pulling something together at the last minute works out well (like this outfit), and sometimes, it doesn’t and I feel like a mess all day. Anyone else have this problem?
skirt- WAYF via Nordstrom, top- Express (old), cardigan- J.Crew (25% off with code PACKME), bracelet- c/o Banana Republic Factory Store, bag- old, similar, heels- Target, lips- Nars in red square
I have to tell you guys that we had the best weekend ever in Newport, RI (it was more than worth the drive). We got there on Friday and had spa appointments in the afternoon and then roamed downtown Newport a little that night. Saturday, we toured The Breakers (the Vanderbilt mansion), saw the cliff walk, and did a lot of walking and eating and Sunday we went to Mass where JFK married Jackie Kennedy. It was an awesome weekend and I seriously can’t wait to go back! There’s so much we didn’t do there. Stay tuned for pictures and specifics this week! If you’re thinking of taking a trip there, feel free to email me! We absolutely loved it!
Have a great day, guys! Thanks so much for reading!
Shop 25% off select items at J.Crew with code PACKME: