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I’m loving this dress from, a website where they design a dress but you can customize it any way you want! If you don’t like the dress doesn’t have sleeves, make them longer; if you think the dress is a bit too long for you, shorten the hemline! It’s a lot of fun to be able to customize a piece, especially a dress- it’s kind of like having your own dressmaker (and it’s free for your customization)! Because this dress is cotton, it’s breathable enough to be able to wear in the summer months but also heavy enough to transition into fall with a cardigan or sweater. Also, you get a $25 coupon to use when you register the fist time 🙂
dress- c/o eShakti, booties- Sam Edelman, cardigan- Free People, bag- gift from my Mom, bracelet- BaubleBar

I hope you all had a great weekend! I spent most of mine at the beach and came home yesterday to spend the day with friends. Though I didn’t catch up on any housework like I wanted to, it was a really nice weekend. One of these days I’ll start my fall cleaning and get some fall decorations out- I’m ready for some cooler air (though I can’t say I ever feel the same about the winter)! Have a great day, guys!



Sincerely, Britt