So, if I’m being honest, this is closest to what I wear on a daily basis, even dressed up a little… at least during the week. I’m not sure whether or not I’ve mentioned it here but over the summer, Joe and I made the decision that I would become a SAHM (stay at home Mom) to Amelia. And while I love being home (or where ever we happen to be on any given day) with her more than anything, it does present its challenges as far as getting myself dressed and ready for the day goes. I’m trying to get better at managing my time but it can be really hard! Amelia wakes up in the morning around 7 and while Joe feeds her her morning bottle, I brush my teeth, make the coffee, and try to post my blog (usually, I’m writing it because I was falling asleep at the computer the night before). Joe goes upstairs a little before 8 to get ready and leaves by 8:30.
I still try to work on the blog to get it posted before 9 (which, honestly, rarely happens), depending on how Amelia is doing, and then I feed her breakfast around 9. We play for a little (or one day a week, she has PT at this time) and then she goes for a nap around 10. Lunch is at 12 (and I wish I could say she naps until then), and one other day a week she has PT after lunch (so, yes, she has PT twice a week every week), and then another short nap in the afternoon, between 2:30 and 3:30. Dinner is around 5:30, then I make dinner for me and Joe; Joe gets home around 6:30, then we clean up, spend time with Amelia, give her a bath and get her ready for bed, and give her another bottle. Bedtime is somewhere around 8 pm depending on how the day progressed. Once she is asleep, we do the dishes and I work on the blog again, hoping to have some time to relax with Joe when I’m done, if I haven’t already fallen asleep multiple times while working at the computer.
jeans: TopShop (old), sweatshirt: J.Crew, scarf: Target (last year but love this one for under $12! And this one!), coat: J.Crew, flats: JustFab (similar here)
Somewhere during the day or week, I also somehow need to find time to clean the house, do the laundry, pay the bills, balance the accounts, outfit plan (which I never do), meal plan (which I rarely do), shop for groceries, etc., tackle my to do list, and put some work into the blog, among other things (like take a shower). Any other mamas reading this have trouble with time management? Or do you have a good time management/organizational system (because organization is key!)? What do you do to get it all done? Please share!