I feel like I haven’t quite registered the fact that this baby is going to be ONE next month! I know everyone feels this way about their babies but it really is the craziest feeling. Some days I feel like he was born yesterday and I feel like we should still be in the newborn cuddling stage and some days I feel like he’s been here forever and I can’t remember life before him. So, I will do my best to soak up as much as I can of this sweet face every day that I can!

Joseph James, you are the sweetest, most handsome, cuddliest, and wildest baby boy. You are walking so, so well and even trying to run! You will eat anything and everything that we put in front of you and you are such a good sleeper! You tease your sister any chance you get, always trying to pull her hair and then laughing when I tell you no. You now have four teeth and are saying “mama” and “dada” and “baba.” You’ve been trading germs with Amelia all month and you’ve had Bronchiolitis and a cold but you’re looking good right now (fingers crossed!)! You’re loving all the Christmas lights everywhere and we’re excited for your first Thanksgiving (you’re going to LOVE all the food!)!
10 months, 9 months, 8 months, 7 months, 6 months, 5 months, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, birth story
Happy Thanksgiving week! I hope you’re having a great week so far! Check back this week for a list of my favorite Black Friday sales and gift guides!
Here are some of my favorites right now:
J.Crew: 40% off & Free Shipping with code THANKU
Freshly Picked: 25% off
Sam Edelman: 30% off with code SAMSGIVING