Joseph James: 12 Month Update

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Joseph James: 12 Month Update

With Joseph’s 2’nd birthday quickly approaching, I thought I’d take a look back on his monthly photos from his first year and realized I never posted his 12 month update! So, almost a year later, here are the photos, at least, so I can have them recorded here… #momlife #mombrain

Anyway, these were the best I could do for his 12 month photo shoot because the kid would. not. sit. still. And luckily, for posterity’s sake, I was able to find this post on Instagram and am copying the caption here 🙂

“I couldn’t let 2017 end without posting Joseph’s 12 month photo so here it is.. & it’s honestly the best I could do. He doesn’t sit still for a second anymore! This cutie is 20 lbs of love, has the best laugh, LOVES to eat, dance, wave, clap, & cuddle, & makes our hearts so full! Happy New Year’s Eve, everyone! Stay safe & see you in the New Year (much to Joe’s disappointment, I’m 99% sure I’ll be in bed within the next hour… our aforementioned cutie also hasn’t been sleeping through the night for some time now & so we’re all exhausted over here!)!”

Just for fun, head to my Instagram & click #josephjamesmmonthly to see all his monthly photos at once! It’s crazy to see how he’s grown!

I may be skipping his 18 month update since he’s now almost 22 months old (I’m still debating, though) but I will definitely be doing a 2 year update for this poor guy! Second child syndrome is no joke! Anyway, the most important thing is we love this baby more than words, pictures, blog posts, and even ourselves and he brings us more joy than we could have ever imagined. Our sweet baby [Joseph] James…

11 months, 10 months, 9 months, 8 months, 7 months, 6 months, 5 months, 4 months, 3 months, 2 months, 1 month, birth story

Sincerely, Britt