I’ve been posting a ton over on my LTK but I wanted to share a few of my favorite Labor Day Sales here… especially since a few of them have been extended by a day! Most of the time, large sales overwhelm me and I don’t really end up getting anything because it’s just too much to process at one time. They also always seem to fall on a weekend when the kids are off school so there’s not a whole lot of time for me to go through the sales and see what I need. I wasn’t very prepared to shop any of these Labor Day Sales, honestly, but a few things I’m looking for are fall clothes for the kids (LOVE Hanna Andersson for it’s quality, sustainability, and fun colors and prints), a rug for Joe’s office (Annie Selke is my go to for rugs), and I picked up a few new workout pieces (not for working out!) from the Beyond Yoga sale. If you’re also looking for something in particular, I hope this post is helpful!

Annie Selke sale picks:

Serena & Lily sale picks: