Make Your Own Sunshine

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Make Your Own Sunshine

I’m a big believer in what you wear affects your mood so when it’s a rainy day or if I’m feeling down, I tend to wear bright colors to lift my mood. In this case, it was a Monday and so I thought I’d combat the Monday blues with some bright yellow. It usually works 🙂 I stuck with neutral accents to let the yellow stand out and so there weren’t colors competing against each other for attention. What do you wear to make yourself happy? Is it a certain color? Dress? Shoes? I’d love to hear!
pants- J.Crew, tee- currently 25% off at J.Crew, cardigan- J.Crew, wedges- Lucky Brand, clutch- Target

Are you as excited as I am that it’s Wednesday? It’s been a long week so far! Thanks for stopping by!


Shop my picks at J.Crew’s 25% off sale:

Sincerely, Britt