I would wear this tee everyday if I could. Aside from loving that it says “Mama,” it is super soft and really comfortable. ILY Couture has a whole line of super soft clothing with fun sayings and quips (I want this one next) printed on them.
tee- ILY Couture, shorts- J.Crew, shoes- Just Fab, bag- Target, sunglasses- Kate Spade (love these)
I hope you all had a great weekend! Joe and I tried a new restaurant on Friday and had a productive and fun day on Saturday but Mia and I were on our own yesterday as he had a golf outing. Speaking of golf, I actually played for the first time in years about a week and a half ago. Joe and I played with two of our friends and it was so much fun! I forgot how much I enjoyed playing… we’re hoping to play again this week! Happy Monday!
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