Neon in the Rain

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Neon in the Rain

These sneakers are the most comfortable. Shoes. Ever. I also love that they are black (I have a thing for dark or colored sneakers… I actually can’t remember if I’ve even ever owned a white or plain pair) with such bright pops of neon! Joe actually talked me into getting this bag the same day I got these sneakers because they looked so good together! While I understand the importance of incorporating neutrals into your wardrobe… especially for essential items and basics… I always seem to be drawn to bright, saturated colors… who knew, right?!? I saw these bright yellow pumps the other day and it took everything I had not to buy them 🙁 It was a sad day for me! I’m also dying for this black and white striped skirt from Piperlime (and this Clover Canyon dress, and these Sam Edelman sandals…) What is currently on your wish list?

pants- Kut from the Kloth, tee- J. Crew, cardigan- J. Crew, jacket- RD Style via Piperlime, sneakers- Asics via DSW, umbrella- Totes, bag- Nine West, sunglasses- Ray-Ban, lips- Bobbi Brown rich lip color in Cosmic Raspberry (also worn here)

Happy Thursday everyone!


Sincerely, Britt