If I’m being honest, it’s actually been pretty tough for me to actually get dressed lately. Miss Amelia doesn’t sleep as much as I expected her to and, until the weather started warming up a bit recently, we’ve been cooped up inside almost every day that she hasn’t had a doctor’s appointment. Even with the warmer weather, we don’t get out much as she wears a CPAP when she sleeps to keep her airways open (she has severe obstructive sleep apnea most likely because of her hemifacial microsomia) and it’s a bit heavy to cart around if we’re going to be out long. She also has reflux and throws up unexpectedly pretty much all day (though she has been getting much, much better lately!) so I don’t always want to put on something nice during the day when it’s just me and her. Long story short, I’ve been keeping my looks really simple lately with jeans, tees, and flats!
tee- J.Crew, jeans- J.Crew, flats- Sam Edelman, sunglasses- similar here
I can’t believe today is already Thursday! It’s seriously a time vortex over here- I never know where the day goes and the nights are quicker! Any tips for getting dressed/organized/finding ways to get things done with a baby would be very welcome!
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