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I have to admit that while I’ve always liked pink, I’ve never really worn it all that much (the last few years or so have seen an increase in my pink purchases). Green has always been my favorite color, (literally, for as long as I can remember- I was never one of those kids who went back and forth on a color) and still is, so I tend towards colors in that family, usually picking up greens or blues. Recently, though, I’ve been wanting to wear more pink. There’s something about it that just makes you feel ultra feminine and so sweet. What are your feelings on the color? I know a lot of people have a love/hate relationship with it!
skirt- J.Crew (old), shirt- J.Crew Factory, flats- J.Crew, belt- J.Crew, sunglasses- Ray-Ban (similar here)

Thanks for stopping by! Have a great day!!


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Sincerely, Britt