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Again with the beanie… but I love it! We’ve been having a warm bout here so I haven’t had many opportunities to wear them but a beanie might just be the cutest winter accessory (next to a fun scarf). As much as I don’t love the cold, I love the necessity to dress in layers in winter. It allows for so many options for color blocking, print mixing, and just mixing and matching in general. It really forces you to get creative with your wardrobe!
sweater: Loft, jeans: Paige Denim, boots: Hunter Boots, hat: Nordstrom

I hope you guys had a great weekend! Ours was really nice- we had my sister’s Christmas party on Friday, a graduation party for Joe’s cousin on Saturday, and we got to see all of my cousins on my mom’s side yesterday! I still have a ton of shopping to do, though! Maybe Amelia will take a good nap today and I can get some online shopping done! What do you still have to get done before the holidays?


Sincerely, Britt