beanie, sports bra, sneakers, sunglasses, pants, lip balm, tote, sports bra, facial spray, sneakers
I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t exercise nearly enough on a weekly basis. In the warmer months, I’m typically pretty active but since being pregnant, I definitely have fallen behind in staying in shape. Part of the reason is because I was sick for almost the first 4 months of this pregnancy and didn’t start to feel better until the fall, at which point it was getting colder and darker earlier and I got lazy. I was taking a prenatal yoga class once a week at least from the time I was 10 weeks but haven’t gone in the last two or three weeks, mostly because they cancelled my Tuesday night class. Oh, and did I mention that all I seem to want to do is sleep?? So, I made this list in hopes of inspiring myself to get out and walk… at least a few times a week! A neon colored sports bra, stylish sneakers, and fun sunglasses are enough to inspire anyone to get moving, right?! Or at least serve as a reminder that warmer months are just around the corner 🙂
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