How to Make a Flower Crown

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How to Make a Flower Crown

I’ve seen flower crown DIYs before but I was always afraid that they were too difficult to make myself! So, in light of festival season & summer, I thought it would be fun to have a few of my girlfriends over to make our own flower crowns! It was originally supposed to be a tea party but we didn’t have room at my dining room table for both so it ended up just being about the flower crowns (and sweet treats, of course!). Anyway, I have to say that while it is a bit time consuming (I’d say it took us maybe an hour from start to finish… right, girls?), it was so much fun and we were so proud of our work when we were finished! And rightly so- they were beautiful!
Making the loops.
Tracy’s first flower cluster.
Taping my first flower cluster.
Kayla’s flower crown.
Me, Tracy, & Jess, & our flower crowns!

What You’ll Need:

2 or 3 types of flowers (try micro daisies, pom poms, mini carnations, etc. I like flowers with smaller buds but anything works!), cut into 3 inch pieces
1 or 2 types of filler, like baby’s breath or aster flower, cut into 3 inch pieces
Twine covered wire
Floral wire (I used green)
Floral tape (I used green here, too, to help everything blend in)
Plain twine or ribbon (this is for tying the bow in the back
Garden shears or sharp scissors, or wire cutters (the twine covered wire is thick!)

Step 1: Measure & Cut the Twine Covered Wire
Wrap the twine covered wire around your head to determine the length that you need for your crown. I’d suggest making it a bit longer by adding a few inches to each end. Cut the twine covered wire with shears, scissors, or wire cutters (I used wire cutters).

Step 2: Make Loops on Each End
Make a loop on each end of the twine covered wire. Simply loop each end and twist firmly (about 2 or 3 times should do) to secure. Set aside.

Step 3: Create Your Bunches
Choose your flowers and filler (these can vary for each bunch- it’s your flower crown!) and arrange your first cluster (I chose one two flowers and usually two types of filler for each cluster).

Step 4: Tape Together
To secure the bunch, cut a 6 inch piece of floral tape and wrap it around the stems of the flowers, starting from the base of the flowers and working downwards to the ends. Note: if you’ve never worked with floral tape before, it’s not as sticky as regular tape, but it does work- just keep wrapping!

Step 5: Create Your Crown
Once you have about seven or eight clusters, you’re ready to create your flower crown! Pick up your twine covered wire and hold one of your finished clusters next to one of the ends (the end of the stems should touch the beginning of the loop on one side). Wrap a single piece of wire around the base of the flowers and twine until the cluster feels secure. Keep adding clusters in the same direction, making sure not to leave spaces between the bunches (but you can slide the clusters down a bit once you’re finished if you notice there’s too much space in between), until you’ve reached the end or until you run out of flower bunches.

Step 6: Tie a Bow
Take your plain twine or ribbon and loop it through each circle you created at the ends of your flower crown and tie in a bow. This will allow you to adjust the size of the crown on your head as needed.

Step 7: Admire Your Work…
… and maybe take a mini photo session 😉 Gorgeous!

Happy Friday, guys! Let me know if you get a chance to try making your own flower crown using this DIY!


Shop floral pieces here:

Sincerely, Britt