Morning Glorious Juice

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Morning Glorious Juice

recipe adapted from Kris Carr’s Crazy Sexy Kitchen


1 large cucumber (I used about half)
a fistful of kale (I substituted spinach here as my local market was out of kale)
a fistful of romaine
2 or 3 stalks of celery (I used about 2)
1 big broccoli stem
1 green apple, quartered
1/2 peeled lemon, quartered (I used about a 1/4 of a lemon- I tried using a 1/2 in Joe’s and it was way too much lemon, especially since we made smaller glasses of the juice)


Wash and prep all ingredients.
Juice all ingredients (it is best to do the leafy greens first as the larger fruits and vegetables aid in pushing them through the juicer).

Happy Friday everyone! Does anyone have any fun plans for the weekend? We don’t have too much going on so I’m hoping to catch up on some housework and some much needed shopping since being sick knocked me off my game quite a bit!



Sincerely, Britt